Leina's Life (by Tony): Over for Pizza

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Over for Pizza

Leina had a crazy morning which involved meeting her friend Latrisha at the airport in order to give her a bridal shower gift. Latrisha was wearing a blanket over her head or something because of the rain and there was trouble meeting up because her phone had died. She talked to Latrisha a few times and Keith all before 9:00.

Her afternoon was slightly less crazy, but then she came over to Erica and Tony's for pizza. She wore her new pink sweater which was really pink. Leina brought that up several times, though Tony didn't see what the big deal was.

After dinner the three of them smoked some apple tobacco out of Tony's xmas gift, a big Jordanian hookah, then Leina made some super weak hot cocoa and they sat in front of the fire and Leina was given a hard time about how specific yet vague her critera are when it comes to the opposite sex.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

After waiting an hour for Leina's face to return to normal color from a shade of Asian glow, we forgot to take a new photo for the blog. Bummer.

11:45 PM  

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