Leina's Life (by Tony): February 2006

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

A new baby!!

No, Leina is not pregnant. In fact, she's not even trying to conceive. She adopted! Leina has adopted a 9-month old boy for three weeks. He is her friend's son, a friend whom this biographer had never heard of previously. And Leina is babysitting three times a week until her friend's regular babysitter is back from vacation. Just afternoons, right? Nope, Leina has this little boy (his name is Dirk) from 8:30 in the morning until 6:00 at night.

Today was her first day with young Dirk, and he was a model baby. Meaning he cried for about three hours straight (especially loud when Leina dropped him and even louder when she forgot him at the grocery store), constantly needed changing and then smiled at her at the end of the day and melted her heart.

So Leina is tired today and not returning phone calls. She did, however, find the time to give someone directions to Sutter Street and sweep her front yard, where she and angie had just planted pansies.

She also impersonated a Japanese mother and crashed a serious Japanese-American mother playdate that she had read about in the Japantown Gazette. Because everyone knows that Leina is not Japanese. However, she met some nice women there and Dirk wasn't too crazy.

sleep = so-so

And the answer to the question that everyone is dying to ask is: Leina slept okay last night and not too good the night before. But she hasn't given up yet. She is confident that soon she and the bed will get comfortable with each other and she'll enjoy deeper sleeps than she'd previously known were possible.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

And here's a photo from yesterday's hard work.

Leina's new room


Here is your protagonist posing with her pillow shams, $40 pillow, new duvet, comforter, paint job, and drapes. Hopefully all will see it in person soon. Notice the fact that the comforter matches the background of the blog. Leina did that on purpose.

New bedroom

Leina has moved across the hall at her home. Her bedroom now has a view and blue agave colored walls. It is pretty. There are also many boxes in the basement that were previously in the bedroom, these boxes joining the back issues of Sunset Magazine and other assorted household items. Some items were thrown out and others were given to Goodwill.

Leina's weekend was full of excitiment. In addition to the painting and furniture moving and throwing out old stuff she also found time to go to a Fiona Ma meet and greet at Andy's and eat some Singaporean food while watching Sanders serve Tony, Erica and Angie absurd tropically infused drinks at the bar. She also gave Nicole a ride from Best Buy yesterday morning and went food and comforter shopping this morning. She even planted pansies in the front yard! Friday Night was almost as exciting as she had roast duck and pork with Erica's family and then went to a bar and drank a white russian.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

New bed

As you may have surmised from the title of today's post, Leina indeed bought a new bed. It happened awhile ago, on Tuesday. She originally bought it for your narrator's sister, Angie, who will be moving into Leina's house on Sunday. Angie has promised to fix Leina's upstairs toilet and dispose of her cinder blocks for her, but felt that there was no need for a new bed. Leina would not be thwarted, however, and bought a fancy Sealy mattress, which was delivered. Her old mattress is now in the basement because she didn't want to pay the $30 to have it removed.

Leina also decided, at the last minute, not to fly to Japan in order to carry a stroller back for her cousin. You can read that again, but the facts remain. More accurately, Leina didn't fly to Japan to carry back a stroller for her cousin because her cousin bucked it up and carried back her own stroller. Please contact Leina personally for a better sense of this story.

Monday, February 20, 2006

a picture


Cupcakes were enjoyed before going out. Note the lack of shoulders on Leina's shirt. Posted by Picasa

The Party!

After coming home yesterday and taking a nap, Leina started cooking again. She made some excellent ground beef Japanese curry for her houseguests--yes, Leina hosted dinner. It was the first time in seven years of knowing Tony that she had ever hosted him for dinner. He responded well, however, eating four bowls of the scrumptious porridge over rice and consuming about a dozen stalks of asparagus to balance out the meal. Also present were Joe, Andy, Sanders, Angie, and Erica, but for some reason the entire Aptus posse declined the invitation. It was a good thing, too, because the ancient bottle of Hennessey would likely have been drained even faster had there been a few more glasses in which to pour it.

Finally, it was time to go out.

Leina at the last moment did not wear the little black dress--she wore some red-pink shirt with big holes in the shoulders and at the top of the back. It may have required a sticky-bra underneath because the straps of a typical one would have been showing, and none were. She was also wearing pants.

Two cars were taken to Element. The car with our protagonist was much slower in arrival but didn't realize it and they waited outside for some time until it was realized that the second car had already arrived. Element was pretty full for a Sunday night, and less Asian than a typical crowd. It was a little slow, at first, but Tigger showed up soon, and Katrina (not Dodson), Claire and her husband were also there.

Leina and Sanders and Erica were already really faded by the time we arrived at the bar, and the fact that we snuck in almost a half-bottle of Hennessey did not improve matters. It was to the consternation of (though little surprise to) many when almost half of the dinner party bailed at 11:00, leaving Sanders with a full glass of cognac, which he finished almost by himself, to his detriment. Leina started with a cosmo, wound up drinking a Manhattan on the rocks(!) at some point, and found a little room for a shot and whatever else she was being handed that night. Dancing was not insane, as Leina was noticing certain members of the opposite sex, who were also noticing her.

Xochi was there, Khalil, Raymond, Mari, David, Nicole Dare, Raphael, Keith, and a bunch of other people (including social work friends) who your narrator did not know well). Serena was there! Notably absent were Joelle and Paulie and a different David and Aptus posse Nicole, who claimed she was sick, though all were skeptical of that.

Leina had a grand time and just didn't want to say goodbye to a certain boy or two (or three) but she eventually did. She got in the car on the way home and suddenly insisted on making like a dog on a fire hydrant somewhere near Dubois Circle. The remaining crew was Sanders, who could barely stand up, Erica, who had yelled herself hoarse cursing the lame friends she had who couldn't make it till 11:30, and your narrator, who had stayed sober enough to accurately chronicle the evening's festivities including some super late mobile phone use which Leina claims not to remember.

It was a good night.

Sunday, February 19, 2006


Leina got up this morning at 4:15!!! It was for a good cause, though, so do not panic. Leina had volunteered to make Teriyaki chicken for her Buddhist Church, and, yes, there was a 4:45 a.m. shift. Her freind Miki showed her up, though, so Leina had to make do with Miki's uncle, who was not quite as entertaining as Miki. They breaded and fried a huge vat of chicken and Leina was quite happy when her shift was over around 10:00. She came home smelling like Teriyaki.


Leina had quite a day yesterday. In anticipation of her new roommate to be (a certain biographer of hers's sister), Leina decided that she needed to buy her a new mattress. Not just a normal mattress, but a fancy, brand-name one. So she went on an expedition with Sanders and Sanders' ex-significant other. They went to the Mission and looked in a bunch of cheap places. Then they went to some other neighborhood and looked at different mattresses. Then, at Louie's Warehouse, she found the perfect mattress--a Sealy, with super bowling ball absorbing soft coils. So she decided to get it! But then she changed her mind and decided to pick it up on Monday. So no mattress has yet been purchased.

Then she went out to Berkeley and ate roast duck, braised fennel, red lentil spinach soup, and saffron rissoto with a certain biographer and his lovely wife and a doctor friend of theirs. The night got a little wild later on when Leina tested the tensile strength of the chandelier and a biographer showed off his dancing skills to the merriment of many. Then Leina drove back to San Francisco and went to the going away party of a friend who she hadn't seen in two years. She will miss her dearly.

Friday, February 17, 2006

What to wear?

Leina has devoted several hours shopping online, which she abhors, to her pursuit of the perfect birthday outfit. She has been to all the big online merchants: Gap, Lands End, J. Crew, and Best Buy, but nothing struck her fancy. Recently, she thought that perhaps there would be something just right in her closet. So she looked through that. Nothing. Then she talked to Erica, who counseled her: "it is going to be a club. Wear that little black dress you have." And Leina listened.

Next up: accessories.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


When you next see Leina tell her to smile real big for you... so you can see that she got her braces off!

And if you're up for it, you can also ask her about her new roommate!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Asking favors

Leina is well-known as a good person to ask a favor. She'll usually do it for you even if you don't deserve it or do a very good job of showing your appreciation. And she won't hold it against you. Which is why she has probably dropped off 75% of the people reading this a the airport at least twice, sometimes when they don't even bring her back a souvenir. And she rarely asks anything back.

So imagine the surprise of your narrator when he answered a phone call from Ms. Leina yesterday. "Tony, can I ask you a big favor?" she asked, quickly muddying the adjective with corrections like "strange" and "unusual." Finally, she cut to the chase.

Leina had been treated to a 49ers game a few months ago, and she had come across a pair of Warriors tickets for the game last night. She thought it would be nicest to call her prior host and invite him to the Warriors game. But lo, he was not home. She still had the tickets, and was now scared that she would not have someone to go with. So she called Tony. And he did her the huge favor of agreeing to be her back up date.

An hour later, her first choice called her back and accepted the invitation. So Tony didn't go. She owes Tony big time for that.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Leina's birthday is coming up!

You may ask, "How could Leina's birthday be coming up? She had one just last month. ?" Astute reader, you are correct. Her birthday was indeed last month. The title of this entry should have been more precise. The celebration of Leina's birthday is coming up and that will occur at Element Lounge.

Leina has been spending her time managing her evite. Those of you who are less familiar with the evite system, it takes a lot more of your time than one would think. First, you have to go through numerous drafts to get just the right, not too friendly yet inviting tone. Then you need to come up with your guest list. Then you close your eyes and press send. Then you get busy, checking who rsvped (26 affirmatives at the moment). Then you need to see who has looked at the invitation and not rsvped (yes, you can tell). Then you need to get some of your friends who actually aren't coming to lie and say they are so that you can seem popular and inspire other people to come. Then you need to manage the shout outs, which can get complicated. Perhaps half of the rsvps currently on the evite are fake or manipulated. Be assured that Tony's rsvp is not one of them, however. Your author has very high morals and will not be manipulated.

She wrote two pages on her thesis today which was good. Only 37 left before she can hand it in and finally get her diploma, and she can play with the fonts and margins to make that even less. She's contemplating what accessories to wear with her gown but we must caution her not to dwell on that until her thesis is done.

She is lamenting the fact that Japantown was sold. "What?" you may ask. "A whole town, sold?" That was the response of a certain blogger who focuses on Leina's life. But it turns out that Japantown consists of a mall and a movie theater. So take that however you may. FYI, there is no Starbucks in Japantown.

Leina turned down cold an invitation to Yosemite in March, making some excuse about not wanting to be a third wheel. She might want to realize how much easier it is to ride a tricycle than a bike, especially when you are not moving.

This past weekend she went shopping and bought an umbrella that was orange. Why she wanted an orange umbrella is anyone's guess. But she will stand out in a crowd. She also came out to Berkeley and made, then consumed, a large plate of nachos and drank a strong margarita. There is some concern that Pepsid is no longer as effective asit once was in hiding the visual signs of her alcohol intake. Come February 18, we will find out if that is true!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

this is where I posted the old photo because its the only way I know how to get it into the page
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