Leina's Life (by Tony): July 2008

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A What?

Earlier this month, Leina was sitting on a fourth floor rooftop terrace leisurely eating her breakfast with Tony, in the fascinating city of Istanbul, Turkey. Conversation had died down, as Leina was between thoughts. The sound of a car starting floated up from below, among the many sounds that one would expect in the center of a thriving megalopolis.

"That's a Subaru," said Leina. "That sounds just like my car."

Istanbul has a lot of many things, but Subarus is not one of them. "What?" said Tony, quite skeptical. "I haven't seen a single Suburu since we've gotten here. No way."

"Let's have a look, then," said Leina, and they both peered over the edge onto the street below." Tony strained to identify the logo on the grill badge of the vehicle in question.

"Yup, that's a Forester," said Leina, and they returned to their tomatoes.