Leina's Life (by Tony): More visitors

Thursday, October 19, 2006

More visitors

This afternoon Liane and Dom are coming to visit Leina and the family. Leina will have the opportunity to ooh and aah over the rapidly growing little one. But not as much as she'd like, since she has a full time job. Leina is also on call on Friday, meaning that she has to stay within the limits of San Francisco, or so she believes. At least she needs to be able to get to a site "ASAP." Whether it is easier to get to Candlestick from Burlinghame or from Inner Sunset is up for grabs, though.

And Ricca will be back! There is a wedding or something. Plus, it was Ernesto's birthday yesterday, so of course the two of them will be coming up here. Last weekend, it was for work, but this weekend, it is for play. But due to wedding festivities (that she is shockingly not a bridesmaid at, nor even invited), Leina might not see much of them. Liane is taking a redeye home on Saturday night, so perhaps Leina will get out to see them after she leaves. And she is leaving open the possibility of brunch.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES! More airtime for me!!!

12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What? You guys didn't tell me you were actually going! Maybe i'll see you at the airport. Brent and I are going to Seattle this weekend.

12:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ernesto, hopefully, leina will be able to squeeze you into her busy schedule(even if it's your birthday)! keep in mind she spent a whole four hours with charles's friend just a few days ago. so considering you two go a long way back, she should be able to spend atleast five hours with you even though it'll be shared time with ricca.

3:59 AM  

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