Leina's Life (by Tony): Birthdays Report

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Birthdays Report

Yesterday we learned that Leina was torn between her roommate's and her cousin's birthday. Leina made a semi-rational decision and called Erica yesterday evening to let her know she was bailing on Angie's birthday. Leina had to work late so she was downtown but she didn't have her car so she needed to go home, get her car, and buy a cake before anyone else arrived (because the host is supposed to have a cake).

(As suspected) Noriko's birthday was scheduled at Leina's place with little consultation with Leina herself. When asked why she didn't at least insist on it starting an hour later, she answered that she knew Noriko would be late and she didn't want the party starting at 9:00. One can speculate why she didn't insist on someone else getting a cake.

Erica offered to pick up a cake for her on her way into San Francisco if Leina would stop by, and astutely noted that since Noriko would be late, there was little reason for her to rush home, and Noriko could pick her up and give her a ride home as she came in from Burlinghame, her true home (not Millbrae or Foster City or San Mateo, as erroneously reported earlier).

So Leina went to Angie's party for a few minutes and noticed that there was an old friend of her and Erica's from high school. She told Erica and Erica went over to talk to her, but Leina hid outside for some reason. She managed to avoid this old friend for the 10 minutes that Erica chatted with her, but then Noriko came and Leina had the decision--should she leave without saying goodbye to Erica or should she blow her cover and quickly say hi to the old friend? she chose the latter, then slinked out.

Noriko's birthday was pretty good, except that Yuto had some sort of allergic reaction to the carrot cake and had to be taken home early, which Leina was secretly relieved about, since it let her get to be earlier.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Yuto had a visit to the ER again last night. Yuto had a immediate reaction to the carrot cake (ie projectile vomitting>>> perioral rash>>> escalating to whole body rash>>>)and Noriko called me around 11:05pm and I said get to the ER ASAP before he gets into respiratory distress!!!!

Lesson one: Don't give children food with out asking the parents permission!In this case Yuto's dad gave him a 1/64 of a teaspoon of this cake. In 5 mins he started having symptoms vomitting/facial rash. Yuto went home and became sicker. I have already found a couple of pediatric allergists but I will await for Yuto's ped MD recommendations and then I'll butt in.

3:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like Yuto has been having a rough month (head bumping on a tree, finger troubles, and now projectile vomitting..)!

Aunty, I don't see how the lesson of this story could be "don't feel children without their parents' permission" when it was Jun who fed Yuto...unless, you are trying to tell us something about Yuto's parentage?!

9:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hope yuto feels better soon. sorry to read about his tough month.

1:20 PM  

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