Leina's Life (by Tony): In her words...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

In her words...

Today was perhaps a typical day for Leina. Here is her day in her own words, transcribed by me to the best of my ability as she reeled it off: "Went to work went to West Portal went to the post office and bought some notecards to write thank you notes for the Hawaii trip then came home ate and then wrote about 3/4 a page on my thesis and said at least I did something and that's about it... and watched American Idol and am watching some of the Warriors game right now."

Tomorrow night she's back in DC, and hopefully she will have some great stories for us that go beyond giving the email address of her friend's sister who already has a boyfriend and is about to move away from San Francisco permanently in less than a week to another not super close friend who asked for it so he could kind of ask her out, leading to the inevitable asking out and rejection.


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