Seven random facts about Leina, because it was requested that they be shared:
1) She has a shaker in her kitchen with white crystals in it labeled MSG. When Angie was living with Leina, she began to use said white crystals and determined that MSG can be a tasty flavor enhancer to food. Everyone in China does it, so why shouldn't she check it out? Angie began bragging about how she had been using MSG. Turns out, she hadn't. Leina uses that jar as he salt shaker.
2) She has two full sized dressers in her bedroom but they are so full she keeps her jeans in a large blue tupperware thing on top on one.
3) She talks on the phone for at least one hour a day.
4) She drives a Subaru station wagon, and within the past year, both of her next-door neighbors have bought Subaru wagons themselves.
5) She really doesn't like dogs, even if they are Erica's dog who she's known for 6 years and only tries to lick her.
6) She talks to her sister on the phone every day.
7) A few times a year she has to buy some fancy chocolates or something and mail them to her host mother in Japan from when she studied abroad 10 years ago. And a few times a year she receives fancy chocolates in the mail from her host mother in Japan. On Saturday, she received some kind of cookie that cost $50 plus $50 more for shipping.
Perhaps Ricca or Ernesto or Angie can also contribute to the meme. They are now tagged.