Leina's Life (by Tony): One year anniversary

Thursday, December 21, 2006

One year anniversary

On Tuesday, Leina forgot to celebrate. Celebrate what? Some anniversary with Charles? somebody else's birthday? The holiday season? No, it was one year ago today that Leina's Life began. Its beginnings were humble, but there have been some good times over the year. The few loyal readers have even, at times, been entertained. One even has been lobbying for a best-of contest. So as a reader suggestion, I am hereby happy to hear nominations of the best-of 2006 in Leina's life.

But Leina did celebrate Tuesday. Just the wrong thing! It was Jun's birthday, and an ice cream cake was in order. Surprising no one, Leina was nominated to bring the cake. Burlingame is not super close to Leina's house, and she was concerned that the cake might melt in car on the way there. So she planned ahead, phoned ahead to some ice cream cake purveyor in Burlingame, and picked it up less than a mile from Noriko's house. She was roundly applauded for her ingenuity.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, so here are my picks, from a brief, but enjoyable and totally unscientific reach back into the annals of Leina's Life (by Tony)....

August 30 - Blanket Chair
June 13 - Cook Out
March 5 - Checks and Balances

I'm sure there are others, but those are my three choices, for now.

6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy anniversary!!

12:38 AM  

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