Leina's Life (by Tony): Birthday Biking?!?!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Birthday Biking?!?!

Leina will be turning the big 3-0 this coming January. And like past years, she has big plans for her big day. She has decided to bicycle from San Francisco to Los Angeles for the San Francisco AIDS Foundation! There was much excitement regarding these ambitious plans. Then, a certain close friend of hers, who she had railroaded into accompanying her, gave this a bit more thought.

She'd never seen Leina on a bike. She wasn't sure if Leina even had ever ridden a bike. Leina did own a bike; a classic, blue Schwinn which had hung from her ceiling as long as Erica had know her, but that bike may have been Liane's. She became more skeptical. "Leina, as soon as you get on a bike and ride it up Portola, then we can talk" about making this trip, Erica said to her.

There is some suspicion that Leina assumes it will be downhill all the way from San Francisco to L.A., because that's how it seems on the globe. But she is ambitious. It will be interesting to see whether she is still interested when she learns how much money she will need to spend on a decent road bike.


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