Leina's Life (by Tony): Playing

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Leina and Charles picked up Yuto yesterday from Noriko's and babysat him for a few hours. She took him to Berkeley, where he watched as she made grilled salami and cheese sandwiches and ate a lot of fruit salad at Tony and Erica's. Yuto didn't say a word the entire afternoon. But he smiled a lot and fortunately didn't cry when Tony had him on his shoulders and knocked his head against an overhanging eave.

Leina took him to a playground where she and Charles ran around on the jungle gym and encouraged him to do the same, but Yuto seemed more interested in playing with the gate and watching the other kids play. Then she made him watch her eat a root beer float before bringing him back to San Francisco, where Noriko picked him up.


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