Leina's Life (by Tony): Beaches and haircuts

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Beaches and haircuts

Leina was tricked into going to Point Reyes yesterday to fake celebrate Erica's birthday. Erica's birthday is actually on July 4, but Leina didn't want to do anything with Erica on that day but was feeling guilty and wanted to do something anyways, so Erica invited her up to the National Seashore so she accepted. Leina invited Charles along to accompany her, but he had a haircut in the morning and they didn't want to wait for him. So instead, she was stuck in the backseat alone while Angie and Chris drove.

Leina thought they were going to sit in a restaurant. She was suprised when Angie and Chris showed up in flipflops and swimsuits. It seemed that they were going to the beach instead. Once rendezvousing with Tony and Erica at Point Reyes, Erica surprised them all by explaining how they might go to the beach later, but at the moment, they were going to go hike out on Tamalpais Point to see some rare elk, and that Tony would be birdwatching the whole way. So they drove from sunny, warm Bear Valley Visitor's Center into the cool, foggy, Tamalpais Point, and hiked along the ridge for an hour or so before turning back.

During their hike (where a Song sparrow, a Caspian tern, and a Savanna sparrow were sighted, along with many elk) the fog rolled in further and made all the beaches cloudy and unenticing. So they went off to eat some oysters at Tony's Oyster Shack in Marshall (no relation to the publisher of this blog). They had bbqed oysters, raw oysters, oysters Rockefeller, and a pitcher of MGD. Leina ate the last of the fries before Tony could have his fair share, and he was angry. But she paid for the snack and he figured he could forgive her.

Leina had scheduled a haircut for 4:45 on Saturday evening, so they had to hurry back. Tony criticized her for the riduculous timeslot she'd chosen for her haircut but she explained that she needed it so she could look cute for the future little Lowell cookout she'd almost bailed on earlier in the week. But she was late to the haircut so he cut it fast and it doesn't look as good as it could have.

After that she had to run to Masa's second going away party (third, if you count the trip to the track where he didn't come), and Leina hung out with her family and ate some cake and tormented little Yuto for fun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

did anyone count how many oysters leina ate?

10:14 AM  
Blogger Tony said...

It is believed that Leina consumed two oysters, both barbequed.

12:54 PM  

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