Lost DVD
Leina had borrowed The Wedding Crashers from Charles, who had borrowed it from his friend's sister. Tony knew of the first borrowing, but not the second, when he asked/bullied Leina into loaning it to him, which she did, because if you ever ask Leina for anything, she will give it to you. He wasn't going to keep it long, but then he left it in a cab on the way home. And no, Leina wasn't anywhere in sight when he took a cab because she never would have let him do that.
So Tony called and apologized (he was also sad because there was a toilet fill valve in the bag from the Korean market with the DVD), and he felt bad about it. Of course Leina also felt bad, because she had loaned it out and it wasn't hers. Tony had to be really assertive in maintaining that he would buy a new one, even though Leina wanted to buy a new one because she felt bad about re-lending the DVD herself. Against the odds, Tony prevailed. But it was close.
something similar happened to me a long, long time ago. i went to see the jackson 5 in concert when i was a very young girl. i don't recall the concert but i remember getting a record album with an autograph as a souvenir. well, "somebody" decided to borrow my album but lost it at a college party. of course, this "somebody" felt bad and tried every attempt to replace the cherished album. "she" went to every record shop in marin county from sausalito to tiburon to corte madera, but could not find a single copy. as a consolation, "she" thought a john denver's rocky mountain high album would do the trick. (name withheld to protect identity)
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