Leina's Life (by Tony): Organic Soul Food

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Organic Soul Food

Before the Indian restaurant was decided upon, Tony tossed around the idea of a meal at Farmer Brown's, a hip, new restaurant in the Tenderloin that serves 'organic soul food' (He was a bit mistaken; it is more accurately 'locally sourced soul food'). Hearing those three words made Leina blanch. She looked grossed out, and did not seem at all inspired to check out this restaurant, which has good reviews and half her dinner party was interestd in.

Leina has nothing at all against soul food. It is organic organic that she has a problem with. She has confused the terms 'organic' with 'whole-grain fat-free vegan,' or something along those lines. Or so is the speculation. Or at least the hope. Attempts to disabuse her of this were met with mixed results.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

come on now leina! organic is a good thing. read up on it:


2:11 PM  

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